Newt Gingrich Defends Catholic Church… And Is Swallowed By A Snake – The Daily Show

In the 2008 Presidential Race, Republicans prophesied many, er, creative “Be Afraid… Be Very Afraid.” potential outcomes in their “If-Obama-becomes-President”-dystopian tirades.

None, of course, came to fruition.

Now, in 2012, how will those same Republican wrong-nosticators top themselves?

Here’s one GOP candidate’s recent declaration:

“He will wage war on the Catholic Church the morning after he’s re-elected.” – so said Newt Gingrich.

Newt Gingrich is worried about the Catholic Church? Newt Gingrich?

The very same, self-serving, Pillsbury P.O.S. who not only cheated on his first but, later, his second wife after each had became seriously ill and who, shortly thereafter, divorced Wife Number One and later divorced Wife Number Two and is now on Wife Number Three wants American Catholics to believe that he’s concerned for and looking out for Catholicism and for the Catholic Church?

Uh, yeah… Riiiiiiiiiight.

D’ya like to hear more improbable prognostications from GOP leadership?

Then enjoy this brief clip from The Daily Show With Jon Stewart:

Indecision 2012: President Evil 2

Stephen Colbert: ‘The more money you have, the more you can speak’ | The Raw Story

Speaking at the Iowa State Fair last year, Mitt Romney asserted that “corporations are people.”

Following that line of Mitt-belief, Stephen Colbert’s former (and newly Jon Stewart-controlled) Super PAC released an ad on Saturday attacking Mitt Romney as a “serial killer” due to his record of destroying corporations (which Mitt said are “people”) as the head of Bain Capital.

Here’s Sunday’s Colbert interview with George Stephanopoulos and the “Mitt The Ripper” ad.


Colbert: ‘The more money you have, the more you can speak’ | The Raw Story.

Romney Campaign “Flips-Out”? Absolutely! And, Electoral Wins: MS Gov Elect Bryant(R) and, uh… Satan?

Mike Huckabee (on his Fox TV show) asked Mitt Romney if he supported a Constitutional “Personhood” Amendment, Romney (immediately): “Absolutely.” Then Mississippians soundly trounced that GOP-led initiative. So, Romney campaign now says media is misrepresenting him when it says he supported it.

In Other 2011 Electoral News…
Phil Bryant (R) won the Mississippi Governor’s race, telling supporters: “the evil, dark side… is taking hold. You see… Satan wins.” 

(Sigh) ~ Er… You, uh… Burn any witches there lately, Phil?

Check both stories out in this brief clip from Wednesday’s The Rachel Maddow Show:

Romney Flipped When He Should Have Flopped On \’Personhood\’

Pro-Corporate Greed Conservatives In Full Panic Mode Over Occupy Wall Street Protests

Fox and Co. (I won’t call Fox “news” – it isn’t) conservative bobble-heads, GOP presidential wanna-Be’s, right-wing talk-show hosts (rodeo clown glenn beck still breathes piss & vinegar on radio), etc. have entered “Full Panic Mode” and are getting hysterical over the Occupy Wall Street protests and its Occupy spin-off protests across America.

(That said, there’s no better proof than this that the Occupy Wall Street Protests are effective/working.)

Their Methods?

Same as Always: Derision, Demonizing, Infiltrating, Instigating, embedding Provocateurs of Pepper Spray…

And yet, just listen to what the eloquent former Senator Alan Grayson said to PJ O’Rourke on Bill Maher…

Mr. Grayson received a Standing Ovation (deservedly so).

(From: The Rachel Maddow Show.)

TRMS: Pro-Corporate Greed Conservatives In Full Panic Mode Over Occupy Wall Street Protests