Global Warming vs The U.S. House Of Representatives

The U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Space, Science and Technology is filled to capacity with dazzling examples of what can be found mouldering in the shallowest end of the human gene pool.

Enjoy this clip from The Daily Show With Jon Stewart:

What You Need To Know About: SOPA and PIPA: Just The Facts (Source:


In case you didn’t know exactly what SOPA and PIPA are (and, if so, don’t worry you’re not alone), but are eager to learn what all the hubbub is about – just as long as it won’t take too long…

Well then, here are The Facts and Just The Facts:

(Thank You to PCWorld)

SOPA and PIPA: Just The Facts

(link will open in a new window)


Does Corporate Cash Explain the Networks’ Silence on SOPA? | Save the Internet

It’s Genuinely Newsworthy – So, Where’s The News Coverage?
A Media Matters for America study shows that most of the major networks – ABC, CBS, Fox News, MSNBC and NBC – have failed to cover opposition to the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect IP Act (PIPA).

Does Corporate Cash Explain the Networks’ Silence on SOPA? | Save the Internet.

Obama Is My President: Richard Cordray Appointed To Head Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Obama Is My President.

I may not agree with everything he’s done – cough*NDAA*cough – but, I’m thrilled that President Obama just made four (count ’em: 1, 2, 3, 4!) recess appointments.

As Rachel Maddow said, “He never does that.”.

Our President appointed three people to the National Labor Relations Board – so that they may have a quorum/continue to function – and (Drum roll, please…) he appointed Mr. Richard Cordray to head up the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

I’m doing the Snoopy Dance about that last one.

GOP Senators have been relentlessly preventing anyone from being appointed to head the CFPB.

Why do such a thing?

Because, even after our most recent Wall Street shyster-caused economic melt-down, Republicans in Congress still haven’t wanted millions of Americans to be protected from evil, greedy, unethical, fast-talking loan and credit card companies…

But, My President Does!

Check it out in this clip from last night’s The Rachel Maddow Show:  Rachel talks with Gene Sperling, Director of the National Economic Council.

Obama Ends Congressional GOP Obstruction Of Consumer Financial Protection Agency With Recess Appointment.

Advocates Press For Recess Appointment Of Consumer Bureau Chief By Obama / The Hill

Dear President Obama:

Please give us a reason to uncork the champagne on New Year’s Eve:

Use your recess appointment power to overcome the idiotic roadblocks of GOP Senators and appoint Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Chief Richard Cordray and your nominees to the federal bench.

Thank You!

We of the 99%

Advocates Press For Recess Appointment Of Consumer Bureau Chief By Obama – The Hill’s On The Money.

Boehner Sets New Standard For Disrespect

Fact: Never Before in the history of America, has there been as much aggressive, intentional and utterly-unpatriotic disrespect shown to a sitting United States President/the Office of The President of the United States as has been shown, repeatedly, by GOP members of Congress.

Their ongoing monkey-wrenching at every real and imagined opportunity is offensive, infinitely-petty and only paints them as unqualified and incompetent (and did I mention “UnPatriotic”?).

From: The Rachel Maddow Show: “Boehner Sets New Standard For Disrespect”:

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Oslo Norway Terror Attack: Right: ‘Jihadists Did It!’ Perp: Fundamentalist Christian US Gun Lobby: Yee-Haw!

A heinous (and contrary to Fox News/Murdoch’s WSJ/Wash Post’s J Rubin’s claims – unconnected to Al Quaida/Jihadists) terror attack in Oslo, Norway at the hands of a native Norwegian Anti-Muslim Fundamentalist Christian (!) who bombed government offices, shot 68 people & left 98+ dead, has led to calls for Norway’s police to be armed.

*A Simple Truth (recent events prove): Neither a lack of being armed (as in Oslo) nor a lack of restrictive gun laws (Arizona: Gabrielle Giffords event where 6 were killed) guarantees anyone’s safety.

Yet, despite this well-documented fact, the American gun lobby is now actively co-opting the horrific acts in Oslo as evidence to support their call for more guns and fewer (if any) restrictions on carrying them – even to the point of collecting signatures for current House (extremist) legislation (“national right to carry reciprocity act”) that – if passed – would allow civilians to concealed-carry across state lines… Regardless of the second State’s own laws.

Hello?  Congress?  GOP members of Congress?  Uh, what the heck happened to all your adamant promises of “Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!” – should you be elected?  Well, enough of you were (regretfully) elected and you’ve done… what exactly?

Nope.  Not one (nor any) of you has proposed – let alone passed – a single, itty-bitty Jobs Bill.

You haven’t even bothered to propose a pitifully-lacking, token-gesture, just-going-through-the-motions ‘Jobs Bill’… not even one that includes riders for more tax cuts for your wealthy friends, corporate campaign contributors and your trusty fellow Wall-Street weasels.

Hmm…  Go figure?  Maybe what they meant to say when they were on the campaign trail wasn’t: “Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!”, but: “Jokes! Jokes! Jokes!”, instead?

And, to all of the right-wing bobble-headed broadcast and print media wing-nuts who charged, blindly, whilst carrying their eternally-burning Torches of Bigotry onto the “The Jihadists did it!” Bandwagon with oodles of uniformed and passionately-ignorant gusto…

F.Y.I.: Neither convicted American terrorists Tim McVeigh nor “Unabomber” Ted Kaczynski were Jihadists, either.

I do have one burning question for those Not-Really “The News” people… “If all of your ‘friends’ were to jump off the Empire State Building…”

I hope you enjoy this brief clip from last night’s (7/25/11) The Rachel Maddow Show (with guest host Melissa Harris-Perry).

From the Oslo, Norway (Fundamentalist Christian) Terror Attack to The US Gun Lobby’s & Reactionary Congressional Right-Wingers’ Self-Serving and Public-Endangering Response:

After Oslo: Fewer Guns? Or Fewer Gun Restrictions? US Gun Lobby: \”Yee-Haw!\”

McCain: Torture Ineffective. Santorum: McCain Doesn’t Understand Torture. Dumb-De-Dumb-Dumb

Both Senator John McCain & the Director of the CIA (who would definitely know) publicly refuted last week’s rampant GOP claims which gave credit to the use of torture (“enhanced interrogation”) in bringing about the death of Bin Laden.

Decidedly Un-Presidential candidate, Senator Rick Santorum’s reply to McCain:
“McCain is wrong. He doesn’t understand how enhanced interrogation works…”

Oh, is that so, Mr. Santorum? You have a Guinness-record-setting amount of hubris (and completely-dead/necrotic gray matter) to make the declaration that a man who – unlike yourself – has actually experienced being tortured (he endured 5 yrs. of torture when he was held as a POW in Vietnam) “… doesn’t understand” torture.

Mr. Santorum’s personal experience with torture: None. Unless you count how he tortures us everytime he opens his mouth.

“For pure, blind stupidity. nobody beats Santorum. In my 20 years in the Senate, I never met a dumber member.” – Mark Salter – McCain Senior Staffer – 20yrs in Senate.

Please enjoy this brief clip on this remarkable story from last night’s The Rachel Maddow Show:

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House Democrats Approve Extension Of Unemployment Benefits Despite 168 GOP Members “No!” Vote.

On Friday, the House of Representatives successfully passed a motion to extend unemployment benefits for millions of unemployed Americans.

Most noteworthy about this is how the “Yea” and “Nay” votes were divided:

In the end, 231 House Democrats voted In Favor of the extension (and 20 Dems – who ought to be voted out of office ASAP – voted Against it.).

As for House Republicans, a stunning 168 members of the party devoted to extending tax cuts for the wealthiest top 2% of America’s millionaires and billionaires, voted Against the extension.

Remarkably,  though, there are signs that some semblance of human compassion still exists in  the GOP… At least in a grand total of three Republican members who actually voted in Favor of the extension. (*I Salute You Three, Whoever  You Are.).

Now, the measure moves on to the Senate for a vote.

The last time the Senate voted on the extension, the Senate’s Republican  members said what they pretty much always have said – at least since  2006 – namely, “No!”.

It has become excruciatingly obvious that every last one of those heartless and callous GOP Senators is in acute need of the experience of being unemployed and cut off,  too.

Here’ a brief clip on the story from MSNBC’s Countdown.

House Dems Approve Unemployment Benefits Extension For Millions